Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Thorsten SchneidersFakultät für Anlagen, Energie- und Maschinensysteme, TH Köln
The Design Sprint was methodically and personally a new, very positive experience for me. Right from the beginning there was an atmosphere of „We will do this together“. All participants were able to contribute with their points of view from very different disciplines, and it was fun to experience and reflect on completely different perspectives. This quickly created a trusting work atmosphere that led to fruitful discussions and successful results.
Marie-Luise Schaller Projektkoordinatorin, Zukunftsagentur Rheinisches Revier
Design sprints are especially valuable when dealing with complex tasks: The organised-creative interaction of many sprint participants with complementary competencies leads to comprehensive tailor-made solutions within a very short time. The design of a hydrogen platform resulted in an exciting process in which everyone was very committed and inspired. It was fun to interact in an efficient and spontaneous way with very different partners. The result, a requirements and functional profile for the versatile platform, is very promising and can make a decisive contribution responding to the needs of the various players in the hydrogen ecosystem in an integrated way.