Based on the solutions created in the previous days – the core team of the design sprint develops a graphic prototype. The defined functionalities are visually implemented and displayed. A central story is presented and user flow concepts are created. This allows processes to be run through with a cognitive walkthrough and data objects to be supplied with the existing models. If possible, a first walkthrough should already take place on this day. On the fourth day, the main goal is to develop a prototype that visualizes the application and presents its usage and its functions as close to reality as possible.
Click Through Dummies
A click dummy is an early, inexpensive, scale down version to test practicability and how user think and feel about the product. It can be used to observe general behaviour, interactions and reactions to the overall design.
For the first iteration of the H2pro3 prototype we visualised the most important functions of the platform based on the ideation phase. This includes product profiles, information sites on technology service providers and best practise as well as studies.
We also included an intelligent search function to filter for specific information and an intelligent suggested article system based on the users past behaviour.
Crazy 8
A low-resolution prototype has many benefits. Visualizing with the method crazy 8 is quick, inexpensive and it is possible to make instant changes.
On the fourth day, the team only consists of the core team and additional technology experts.